Montreal Gazetten sanaseppo Jack Todd kertoi maanantai-palstallaan hauskan anekdootin Habsin muutoin hieman onnettomalta Washingtonin vierailulta.

Seems some of the European Canadiens were getting ready for their usual pre-game soccer kickaround when they found their way blocked by a rusty old yellow tractor used to haul equipment for the visiting team.

They didn't have a key, so Bonk popped the transmission into neutral and he and Cristobal Huet teamed up to push the tractor out of the way when Sergei Samsonov decided to jump into the driver's seat and steer. At that point, Bonk's Czech roots came into play.

"Typical Russian tractor," he growled. "Two to push and one to steer!"

Tämän tyyppinen Neuvostoliitto-henkinen huumori vetoaa aina vanhaan historianopiskelijaan. Vähemmän yllättävästi Wikipedia osaa kertoa lisää vahvasta poliittisen huumorin perinteestä Venäjällä/Neuvostoliitossa.

Jonkin sortin poliittista huumoria on myös turkulainen kunnallishallinto. Tosin useimmiten aika huonoa sellaista. Siis huumoria.